Well, today was a winter bust. Some would say blast. But you would have to like snow. It snowed all day. So we reasonably had to cancel the Art Group meeting that was scheduled for today. As much as I didn't want anyone to have to drive in this mess. I felt as though some one had let the air out of my tires. I really look forward to the swaps and creating our art projects together.
The poem I selected to put on my leaf fits me to a tee. It says "A fallen leaf is nothing more than a summers wave good bye." I believe the author is unknown. I could add.. "Or a wave hello to winter." Either way it doesn't make me happy. So I selected a pout-y faced girl then I digitally airbrushed color in her hair, eyes, lips, cheeks, and dress.
The maple leaf was oh so fun to cut out of mat board. And since I didn't have enough fun cutting out the shapes the first time. I added glossy paper so I could use my alcohol inks and create the background paper. So I had to cut the maple leaf shapes out a second time.
Nearly finished I couldn't "leave" well enough alone I wanted to see what the poem would look like with antique glossy accents on top with a sprinkling of glitter. Well, it wrinkled up. I should have known. I decided it added to the eventual decaying of the leaves. So this time I left it alone.
The picture you see is the partial swap. When I get the other two I'll up date this blog.