The beautiful tag I received today. Oh my goodness wait till you get to see this. So for now I will show you the back of the tag as a tease. No way am I going to spoil the surprise for her swap partners. Our deadline to mail them out is the 14 of this month. When I get all 10 of my tags I will make another post.
This tag is a bonus as a result of signing up for the the Marie Antoinette tag swap with
Le Vintage. Wondering how that is possible? Let me explain.
As I was putting one of my tags in the mail box for mail pick up tomorrow....there it was just sitting there...the only piece of mail we received today...such a nice surprise! It was one of the Marie Tags.
One of the rules was not to tell our swap partners that we are swapping with them. But I can tell you...this tag was from
Deb Abel...because we ended up
not being each others swap partner. I can share that much. Which is pretty cool since we will be able to see all of the tags made by all 20 participant's. Up close and personal. We anticipated the possibility of not being on each others swap list. So we made an extra (bonus if you will) Marie Tag for each other. We live fairly close to each other and get together from time to time to create all sorts of art. I know I could of handed mine to her the next time we get together. But it is fun getting things in the mail. Especially when it is not a bill. Thank You Deb, I know your ladies are going to flip over you tags.
Update July 11th:Okay I think it is safe to reveal Deb's Marie tag now. Since she mailed them out last Monday. I'm pretty sure most of them have theirs by now.