Saturday, December 6, 2008
Fallen Leaves

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Isn't This Nice
Serene Green

I have a doc apt tomorrow so I will have him check me out.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Twig In A Box
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Overview of Polyvore
For a quick link to Polyvore just click on the image to the left under "My Polyvore"
Polyvore is a free, easy-to-use web-based application for mixing and matching images from anywhere on the web. It is also a vibrant community of creative and stylish people.
Polyvore lets you create sets composed of individual images using an easy to use, drag and drop editor. After you have created a set, you can publish and share it with your friends and the Polyvore community
Polyvore is often described as "highly addictive" by those who fall in love with its collaging functionality and spend hours creating sets to share with others.
Polyvore offers an unprecedented level of direct engagement with real products and brands, while its social features make it a powerful platform for the creation and distribution of user-generated advertising.
Polyvore launched in February 2007.
1.6 million unique visitors per month
65 million monthly page views
440,000 registered users
10 minutes average session time on site
22 page views average per visit
3.8 million sets created
3.7 million products
Friday, October 24, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
It's All About The Love...
Another Paper Doll Party!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sunday's Sentiment - The Heart
The selfish inclination of our heart is prone to misguide us. "the heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate." (Jer. 17:9) To remain loyal to our heavenly father, we must strip off the old personality with it's tendency toward presumptuousness and self-reliance. And we must put on the new personality, "which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty.
Ephesians 4:17-24 reads....
17 This, therefore, I say and bear witness to in [the] Lord, that YOU no longer go on walking just as the nations also walk in the unprofitableness of their minds, 18 while they are in darkness mentally, and alienated from the life that belongs to God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the insensibility of their hearts. 19 Having come to be past all moral sense, they gave themselves over to loose conduct to work uncleanness of every sort with greediness.
20 But YOU did not learn the Christ to be so, 21 provided, indeed, that YOU heard him and were taught by means of him, just as truth is in Jesus, 22 that YOU should put away the old personality which conforms to YOUR former course of conduct and which is being corrupted according to his deceptive desires; 23 but that YOU should be made new in the force actuating YOUR mind, 24 and should put on the new personality which was created according to God’s will in true righteousness and loyalty.
My goal: To make an honest examination of my heart. Keep on doing what I'm doing right. If I'm able to see... (sometimes we do not see ourselves clearly...but if I can)... an area that needs improvement, not to hesitate to make an adjustment. Not to be half hearted in my service but to unify my heart and thus be determined to serve God loyally.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday's Canvas Projects with Deb
The first project we used an image from Moss Hill Studios by JoAnne Pierotti. The little girl is just adorable. To make her wings we stamped butterfly wings on top of the rose images that are also included on the collage sheet. If you haven't seen the Moss Hill Studio site.... I recomend you check it out. At Deb's suggestion we did a brayer technique with acrylic paint. It was fun and the effect is wonderful. I'll be doing it again some time. I appreciate Deb's ability to examine art work and figure out the tecniques that were used.
Something about it though is just not right for me. Perhaps the redness of the flowers. I will probably rip them off and replace them with something else...they were what we had at the time.
This is the second Art project Deb and I did this Friday. I'm totally in love with this one. Love the image. ( Image is from the "Mind Wide Open" challenge). Love the brayer technique we played with. It's on a 5" x 5" canvas. It's just so stinkin' cute. I just love it!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Crystal, Beads & Ribbon... Oh My....
What to do with left over crystals from a chandelier...make an over sized book marker of course. I wanted it to look as if the beads were growing out and around the crystal and pearl. I love doing things that just come out of your head. No pattern needed. I also believe there is really nothing new under the sun. So perhaps I have seen something that was lodged deep in the recesses of my mind to inspired me. So to who ever you are.... thank you for the inspiration.
Actually, I'm thinking it would make a beautiful drapery accent.
This was a fun project and very time consuming. So I have not made another one. Just one of those whimsical moments Deb and I had at one of our Friday get togethers. You should see hers. Perhaps she'll post it when she sees this post and you can jump over to her blog and take a look. She is in my likable links under "it's all good".
More whimsical art to come I'm sure especially when these two minds get together.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Paper Dolls Party of Six
Inspiration from Jackie Peters! Character construction stamps by Catherine Moore! And a whole lot of Fun!!! The Party of 6 Paper Dolls includes work by me, Debra Abel and Nance VanHoose. As you can see Debra and Nance are very talented and it was so enjoyable spending an evening creating these together. Going left to right ... first two are Nance's, then next two are Deb's, then mine.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Monday, August 4, 2008
That Nancy!!!

Deb, her daughter Kim and I all went to a yard sale yesterday and bought some great finds for ourselves and for future altered art projects. So while we were out we decided to go to the same dollar store that Nancy had purchased those cool wood hangers she is showing on her blog. We were all (at least me and Deb) so excited to get a few to play with. But alas they had none...so we left with our heads hung low. They were all sold out and none were to be had at any of their sister stores. Boo hoo hoo....It was a sad day indeed in the world of wooden hangers. We are convinced Nancy bought them all up! That Nancy!!!
To be read with humor and a smile
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A Day That Went Well?
The job went well... even though I had next to nothing to work with to make amazing things. But like Bullwinkle says "watch as I pull a rabbit out of my hat"
As I'm leaving sunny Lake Fenton and approaching the Davison area I see the ominous sky. I wonder if it is raining at my place. As I get closer it goes from a spit to a sprinkle to rain. Well that answers that question.
I pull up into the drive...the garage door won't open. Great! I see there is a soaked package on the steps. When I get in to the house my husband greets me with the news that the power is out. Oh the package was a bunch of Hampton Art stamps.
So Chip aka hubby goes out to the local dinner to get dinner. So after dinner we listen to the radio...yep I had gotten the batteries for that. As we are sitting there in the candle light I said we don't have to sit her in the dark we can put the generator on. So we do that. The whole process went fairly smoothly. Only to find the whole basement was flooded with about and 1" or 2" of water. But we kept our calm and area by area piece by piece we threw things out squeegeed the floor hung things to dry.
So Is my cup half empty or is my cup half full. My cup is full. I had a job to go to and I have a wonderful husband. Things lost are things that can be replaced. I found my keys. I was fed and I slept soundly in my own bed.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Fantastic Weekend

June 9 TH already.... where did half the year go. I love summer !!!
I had a great weekend with an art group I am a part of. There is just 5 of us. We made a journal that one of the ladies designed for our monthly get together project.
We swapped our own version of altered hanging hearts as seen in the Altered Arts Projects paperback book. Our theme was flowers.
I have created a slide show of the ones we recently swapped and some others the we have made on our own. So credit goes to Deb Abel, Kim Baslock, Vikki Light, Nancy Van House and my self.
And when I figure out how to get better at this I will let you know who did what. I was just so thrilled I have a slide show. The idea of posting each picture was starting to over whelm me.
We also started doing Art Journals to share every month and to swap out and have some one else do a page for in our book as we do one in theirs. If we want. Some of us couldn't wait to swap others wanted to get into theirs a little more before doing a round robin.
I also completed Catherine Moore's Toy Theater Challenge featuring Marie Antoinette . Our Dead line was May 31ST. She is making a slide show so I hope to figure out how to add that slide show to my blog as well.