Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Kreative Blog Award #2!

"Couture de Papier"http://couturedepapier.blogspot.com/ Has bestowed upon me this award for a second time. Which means she has been tagged again with this award herself from some one else who likes her blog too. I really do adore her blog. And She has recently made some changes to the apperance of her blog. Which is just stunning. Take a peak for your self.
Again....Thank You So Much!
All I have to do is follow these simple rules. & Here are the award rules:
List 7 things that you love and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers you love!
Be sure to tag them and let them know they have won!
You can copy the picture of the award that I have in my sideboard and put it on your sideboard
Letting everyone know.....you are KREATIV!
1. My God 2. My Husband 3. Family and Friends 4. My IKO Baby 5. Creativity 6.The Tropics
Again....Thank You So Much!
All I have to do is follow these simple rules. & Here are the award rules:
List 7 things that you love and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers you love!
Be sure to tag them and let them know they have won!
You can copy the picture of the award that I have in my sideboard and put it on your sideboard
Letting everyone know.....you are KREATIV!
1. My God 2. My Husband 3. Family and Friends 4. My IKO Baby 5. Creativity 6.The Tropics
7. Blackberry wine and Chocolate
My Seven Bloggers Are:
Some of you may have already recieved this award like me. Some of you I've just met.
So I hope you don't mind that I have passed it on to you.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
My Version Of
Jeanette Janson's birds. These are wonderful recycling projects. And she sells her art on her ETSY. Follow my likeable links to her blog and then on over to her shop if you would like. They are just so cool.
I recycled a brass wall sculpture made up of all these varied sizes of semi round brass pieces. I had torn down the wall sculpture knowing the right project would come. I sold several of them but kept a stash for myself. On one of those Creative Fridays that Deb and I have this was our project for the day. She made two birds as well. They came out similar yet different. Perhaps she'll post hers too.
I had recently left a comment on Jeanette's Blog about her Bathroom make over and I mentioned that I had made these and asked if she wouldn't mind if I posted them. She thanked me for asking and said it would be OK. I just feel better about asking.
So I have 3 photos of each bird posted...where they hang out ....an overall shot and a close up.
Altered Art
Monday, March 16, 2009
Black and White Marker Art

These were done 29 years while I was attending the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. The assignment was to draw something using professional designer markers. (markers have improved a little since then I think) We could use black and shades of gray....but no color.. Have you ever tried to draw with a permanent marker? I hadn't. I used them for coloring in stuff but not drawing. They bleed and they are uncontrollable. This is what was in my mind at the time. I thought what an impossible task. I think a demonstration was given and then we were on our own. The trick was to use tracing paper. Tracing paper!
What a challenged. I began to appreciated that only after the assignment was done. It opened up my mind...I love the discovery of ..Yes, I can do this. I come back to this lesson and remember... I can do it when I set my mind to do it.
These renderings are among a few thing that survived what I refer to as a "living fire" where things are being destroyed as if by a raging fire. So much of my portfolio was destroyed in this "fire "10 years ago. But these survived because I had given them to my parents. So they are special to me. And that is all I will say about that.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
This Aint No Cold Turkey!
For you bowlers out there... I hope you caught my bowling reference in my lame attempt to be witty.
For those of you who may not bowl.... three strikes in a row is called a cold turkey.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Power of Prayer

What was unseen to the human eye was that she had torn ligaments in her elbow on both sides. A large tear on one side and a smaller tear on the inside. Did I mention she is a nurse...so not much phases her. But she has told me what the surgeon has told her. This surgery is a big deal. She goes in this Friday. I know she's a little nervous about it.
Therese is one of the most selfless persons I know. And she is the primary care giver for her ageing mother. They are very close. My prayer is that she comes through it OK and that her concerns for her mom's need are met thus allowing her the time to heal properly and give her that peace of mind that she'll need. And that her husband helps out and is supportive. As well as other family member like her brother and sister.
Therese is home and doing quite well. It was worse than they expected when they got in and saw that the larger ligament was gone. So with holes drilled and pins put in and and taking from here to put over there. They put my friend back together again. The true test of the success of the operation will be the actual use of her arm after the cast is off and physical therapy is completed. I shared with her this post and she was deeply touched by your thoughts and prayers. So I will say Thank You on her behalf.
Free Photo Image
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I'm On My Own

For awhile. This is the last digital collage image Gail at Creative Workshops guided us through to create. Which helped me to discover a couple of additional effects buttons and try them out. So I will take what I've learned and start playing with my Photoshop Elements 7 and see if I come up with any worth while creations. I will be sure to share them here. I am so happy I took this class. I would encourage anyone to take her class if you have either photoshop or photoshop elements. Especially if you are a newbie like me. Money well spent. Thank You Gail.
Digital Collage
Monday, March 9, 2009
Just Opened

Myspace Glitter Graphics

This time around I just put in some New Cling Stamps to see how that would do.
You can see them im my side bar. I have to get more familar with it all.
So please bear with me as I learn the ropes.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I Love Surprises and....
I got a lovely one today! My 2nd Blog award. Can you believe it?
WOW! I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to be tagged by
Nance VanHoose
from http://herartnest.blogspot.com/
Please take time out to visit this extremely talented lady. I guarantee you won't regret it.
This award is accompanied by the following words:
"This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. "
Please give more attention to these 8 writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this clever-written text into the body of their award."
I agree with Nance where she says,
"With so many creative artists out there in blogland, it is an incredible honor to be
recognized as having a noteworthy blog!"
I'm so happy to get this particular award and I will share with you why. One reason is that I really like what it says. Funny thing is I had copied it off of another blog that I was visiting a month or so ago. And Saved it. Then I read and reread how the blog award works. But if I were to snatch from there...and give it to the 8 other bloggers....there would be no one for me to give thanks to for giving it to me. And that's how it needs to work.
So I did nothing with it. But I so wanted to give this one to you and Deb. It's true good things come to those who wait. Even if it wasn't from me this time. Thank you so much Nance for thinking of me and passing it on. I'm honored to be getting this award. I'm off to post it...okay I got side tracked ...I had to watched the second part of David Copperfield on PBS.
Now I'm off to tag those in my list of 8. Most of you I'm just getting to know. So I hope you don't mind that I've nominated you to receive this award.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I'm in the Pink!
These are my Pink items for my first time participating in Pink Saturday. I've made a Pink baby journal book. A Pink baby photo brag book. And I recycled these Starbucks Frappuccino bottles into a cute little Pink storage caddy where you can put cotton balls to hair ribbons for a baby girl. I used these supplies: Spray glue, Quick Quotes Pink papers, Quick Kutz, Paper lace trim, Fiskars punch, bind-it-all , ribbons, buttons and ribbon flower, and other embellishments.
Oh, by the way I have no children of my own just my step children who are all adults now. I'm thinking though this would make a sweet gift....some day when I'm ready to part with them. I'm gonna do my best to visit everyone participating. And you can too. Just click on the pink Saturday's badge in my sidebar to see who all is participating. Have fun!
I'm deleting duplicate comments....thought you might want to know.
And if didn't know you can left click on the photo to make it larger and see some of the details.
Altered Art
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Hit While the Iron Is Hot.

Digital Collage
Sunday, March 1, 2009
In The Learning Stages

but oh so much fun.
I know, I know I'm way behind the times when it comes to digital art. So I have broken down and purchased my first computer program Adobe PhotoShop Elements 7. I have used other editing programs that come with the computer. And for the most part I'm self taught. But sometimes you just need help. In this case a lot of help. So I'm taking a class from Creative Workshops with Gail Schmit. So here are my first two projects I did this weekend.
So I'll be sharing my progress with you. Let's hope I make some.
Digital Collage
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