Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Michael's Design Challenge Blog Hop

 Heather Powers and Lori Eurto have partnered up to be
 the Hostesses of this 
Intrigued by the colors, the beads, and I wondered...
"What would I come up with?"
Got my friend Katherine to play along.
She started a new blog just for this challenge.
We made the mad dash to Michael's to buy these beads.
 (or a substitutes if our Michael's didn't have the ones listed.)
Everybody was to use the beads in the above picture, 
Adding two additional "kinds" of  beads 
and our own and a focal.
Then we could create whatever 
our heart desired.
This fabric was the inspiration for Heather 
when she picked out her beads.

 I found some window beads that were in the color palate
and ceramic green beads in different shapes.
The rest are from the list. 
The necklace focal was gifted to me by my Mom's friend Kay.
Thanks Kay!
My two additional kinds of beads are 
silver plated metal beads 
and a pale blue pear shaped Czech beads. 
Super simple earrings.
Still toying with the idea of adding the ribbon to them.
But I also like the idea of being able 
to wear them without the set. 
The "LOVE" link with crystals was purchased on a whim
from Aunties's beads.
Seemed a good time to use it.
I'm so happy that I used up most of the beads.
Just a few horn beads left, the white turquoise rondels 
and some of the green ceramic beads. 

 I made myself a bonus bracelet for the set. 
It's a hodge-podge of items. Love that little GG fish.
Great for that stacked look which I adore.
Thanks for stopping by and looking!
If you have sometime... 
check out and see what the other
 participants came up with using the same beads. 
What did they chose for their additional beads?

Thanks so much Ladies for the inspiration!


Alice said...

Wow what lovely pieces! I love all the color and the variety of beads that really play well with each other. I'm glad you played along.

Lorelei Eurto said...

So awesome! nicely done!!

K Hutchinson said...

You made so many lovely pieces! I love the first necklace...elegant!

Firefly Design Studio said...

Very pretty - I especially love your bracelets!

Tanya said...

I love how you used all the beads, and in so many different ways. The necklace is my favorite. I love the bit of ribbon. The bracelets look so fun and I am in love with the earrings. The are great as is. I'm not sure you need ribbon with them.

Kari Asbury said...

Love your designs! That focal in the necklace is beautiful and a perfect addition!

TesoriTrovati said...

Bracelet stacks are all the rage, and this would be so pretty stacked together! I love the necklace focal. It feels very timeless and elegant, but you made it fun and vibrant with your bead choices! Enjoy the day. Erin

Silver Parrot said...

I love that ornate focal on the necklace - it works in perfectly! And the final bracelet with the silver button clasp - has a bit of a Southwestern feel to it!

Rosanne said...

This was such a great challenge. I love the pieces you did.

Heather Powers said...

Awesome that you had a beady friend to join in the challenge with you. Great pieces. I'm so digging the stacked bracelets, very inspiring and fun!

Unknown said...

Sorry I took so long getting to you I'm still working on this blog thing. Your pieces are so creative and beautifulas usual. You are an inspiration to me in so many, many ways!:-)

Shai Williams said...

What great designs! Just love those bracelets. So perfect for stacking.

Terri said...

Thank You all for you kind comments! I appreciate them all.

Andrew Thornton said...

Wow you were really productive! The pieces look great! I love the big focal in the necklace. It really is very eye-catching! And the bracelets are very fashionable! Nice!